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Georgia Military College Prep School Department of Fine Arts | 478-387-4878 | Contact Us
THANK YOU ALL for making this the most exciting audition we have held in a long time! You made casting this show incredibly difficult because of your talent and preparation!
Below you will find three sets of results - the cast list for CHICAGO, the 2025 Literary team, and the students selected to audition for All-State Theatre. We will send more information about all three during the summer! Congratulations to every single person in the show, on the team, and selected to audition for All-State. We will still be looking for the 3 essay contestants and two extemporaneous speakers which we will select when school resumes in August. If you are interested please let us know.
You are all rock stars.
We ask that if you have questions of concerns with the cast, literary or audition selections,
contact LTC Weaver or MAJ Morris directly.
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